Terms of Use
This agreement covers your investment with FLAP (ALAUSA) COOPERATIVE MULTIPURPOSE SOCIETY LIMITED (FLAPCOOP). It covers the volume and duration of your investment as documented in the registration form or web portal. By this we seek to protect you, our investor and your investment. This also certifies that you have read and understood the FAQs provided here and are in agreement with all the responses therein provided.
This agreement is binding on you (the investor) and FLAP (ALAUSA) COOPERATIVE MULTIPURPOSE SOCIETY LIMITED (FLAPCOOP) for the duration of your investment, 6month, 1year, 3years or 5years as indicated on your registration form or web portal. By registering as an investor, you are automatically absorbed into the cooperative as a member until your investment is terminated by you.
This investment covers per slot of 10,000 (ten thousand naira) at 14% for 6months and 30% for 1year (subject to review and Promotional rates from time to time). The investor can take as many slots as possible and can rollover their investments at will.
Under no circumstances should you (the investor) pay CASH to any of our agents/marketers. All payments should be made to the FLAP (ALAUSA) COOPERATIVE MULTIPURPOSE SOCIETY LIMITED (FLAPCOOP) bank account provided in the registration form or web portal.
FLAP (ALAUSA) COOPERATIVE MULTIPURPOSE SOCIETY LIMITED (FLAPCOOP) will also not make any cash payment to any investor. All investments proceeds will be paid directly to the investor’s bank account OR by Cheque as provided in the registration form/web portal.
In the event of termination before maturity, you stand the risk of losing ALL ROI due to you on your invested amount.
A 5% statutory charge shall be applied to all investments to cover the cost of funds, bank charges, agricultural produce taxes etc.
FLAP (ALAUSA) COOPERATIVE MULTIPURPOSE SOCIETY LIMITED (FLAPCOOP)will not be liable to any investor that provides a wrong account number at the point of registration. We will also not be liable for the investors’ source of funds. That our financial obligation to you (the investor) covers only the amount paid to us through our bank or by cheque for your investment package of choice.